Sunday, September 10, 2017 by Mike Adams
A new video from WeatherWar101.com claims that Hurricane Irma is a “man-made storm system” that was deliberately created or augmented through weather weaponization technology. The video is shown below in case you’re curious why so many people find this explanation so fascinating.
As we have stated previously, we remain skeptical of such claims. We cover this because of the growing number of people who are curious about weather modification and “geoengineering” technology that really does exist. For example, Geoengineering Watch has published a list of 175 patents that prove beyond any doubt that weather modification / weaponization technology is not only quite real; it’s also recognized and granted patents by the United States government. Any person who claims that weather weaponization technology does not exist is either ignorant or lying.
While there’s no question that all “official” sources would categorize weather modification claims as being a “hoax” or a “myth,” intelligent readers also know that nearly every official source is constantly lying to the public. All “official sources” on vaccines, for example, are constantly lying about vaccine composition and vaccine safety. All “official sources” on agricultural chemicals are constantly lying about the safety vs. risk of toxic chemical exposure. All “official sources” on the environment are systematically lying to you about global warming and climate change. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the NOAA, for example, is lying about hurricanes, but we do know the NOAA has been caught red-handed faking global warming temperature data. Thus, the credibility of all official sources is practically zero at this point. The NOAA is a scientifically dishonest organization, in other words. They fabricate data to fit their fake science political narratives. (Factually stated, the NOAA is a group of dishonest conspiracy theorists who fabricate data to present a science hoax to the world called “global warming.”)
At the same time, that conclusion doesn’t automatically mean every alternative explanation is factually correct. That’s why we advise readers to think for themselves and learn as much science as you can so that you can participate in the debates and discussions. (Most people literally do not know that there are 1,000 milligrams in a gram, so that’s the level of scientific illiteracy we’re seeing across society these days. When you try to talk to people about the basics of meteorology, such as barometric pressure, air density, condensation, the Coriolis effect, solar radiation and so on, they are completely lost.)
The new video from WeatherWar101 offers a detailed explanation of what its creators claim is the “manmade storm system” known as Hurricane Irma. To delve further into this subject, check out the WeatherWar101 channel on YouTube for more videos.
The video explains that accelerated water evaporation is artificially created in specific sequences to grow the storm into something much more powerful and dangerous than it would have become on its own. Here’s the full video to see for yourself:
And here’s a previous video about Hurricane Irma from about a week ago:
As the following video shows, even “mainstream” scientists like Michio Kaku are openly talking about weather modification technology being used to alter storms and augment rainfall.
“By firing trillion-Watt lasers, you rip apart the electrons creating what are called ions, and these ions act like seeds, like dust particles, bringing down rain and even lightning,” Kaku explains in this CBS News interview:
As Kaku explains, weather modification technology exists right now and is well known across the scientific community. Its existence isn’t a “conspiracy theory” or a “hoax.” Any person who isn’t aware of the existence of such technology is simply misinformed and willfully ignorant.
Since first covering this topic, we’ve come to understand that there are warring factions inside the weather modification / geoengineering community. Some of the key players claim other players are “controlled opposition,” for example, and there’s already been misinformation swirling around about our own interest in this subject.
So for the record, here’s our current position and activity in this realm:
We’ve also launched our own news aggregation site where we are covering these investigators and analysts: Geoengineering.news will work to bring you more frequent news from the key players in this space, and we’ll link to their articles and videos in every story. We don’t have a weather expert on staff, so we’ll be primarily just covering other analysts who are experts in this field.
In the mean time, watch the videos above and decide for yourself. As this gets more popular, watch for some official source to “officially” denounce geoengineering analysts as “conspiracy theorists.” That’s when you know the analysts have actually hit the nail on the head. No news story should be fully believed, the saying goes, until it is officially denied by the government.
If only Jim Marrs were still alive, he’d be having a field day with all this…
What do I believe about all this, personally speaking? I believe that I’m not the expert in this area and I haven’t reached a solid conclusion yet. However, I do know that exotic technologies exist which are fully capable of weather modification and augmentation. That is not in doubt. I also know that globalist powers turn every technology into a weapon sooner or later, just as they did with atomic energy. Much like you, I’ll keep watching this topic and see what emerges.
Tagged Under: Tags: geoengineering, Hurricane Irma, man-made storms, weather control, weather systems, weather weaponization, weird science