Saturday, September 09, 2017 by Robert Jonathan
It’s all President Trump’s fault.
As Hurricane Irma heads towards South Florida, a Facebook user claims that President Trump has ordered the government to manipulate the weather to target Latinos. This same user insists that Hurricane Harvey, which devastated the Houston area, was man made.
The Category 4 storm has already devastated areas in the Caribbean, and mandatory evacuations are underway in sections of Miami-Dade County, Broward County, Brevard County, and Monroe County in Florida.
Now, here’s the kicker. Since the Miami area has a large Hispanic population, one Facebook user is suggesting that the deadly storm is part of a racist conspiracy by the federal government to manipulate the weather.
“Trump wants them [minorities] off our land so what better way than to flood them out,” wrote the user, named Breanna Danielle. After some kickback from other users, she added “I DID NOT MEAN TRUMP IS MANIPULATING THE WEATHER HIMSELF… But with pockets as deep as Trump’s he can tell the government what he would like done against the minorities he wants to build a wall for.”
Okay so y'all have all seen the viral FB post below, right? We'll hang on to your seats, because this shit gets even funnier. pic.twitter.com/mRQGBvivcp
— J.R. Holmsted (@JHolmsted) September 7, 2017
Now now, Trump's not doing it, but he's just doin nuthin bout it. pic.twitter.com/voofHknh8O
— J.R. Holmsted (@JHolmsted) September 7, 2017
This is a rhetorical question, but can you even for a second imagine POTUS calling the anti-Trump Deep State and ordering up Hurricane Irma or any other catastrophic storm to train its sights on a specific ethnic group? Do you think maybe that kind of theoretical presidential directive might leak to the New York Times or the Washington Post, the Deep State’s favorite message boards?
You may recall that there were even weird accusations about a Halliburton hurricane machine after Hurricane Katrina that supposedly targeted minorities during the Bush administration’s perceived slow disaster response, particularly given VP Dick Cheney’s former affiliation with the oil company as chairman and CEO.
Back then, everything was Bush’s fault.
In general, conspiracy theories used to be a phenomenon associated mostly with the right but now seems to have moved across the entire political spectrum. Some have described the ongoing anti-Trump hysteria as a symptom of what’s been termed Trump Derangement Syndrome, which has afflicted both the political left and the GOP establishment Never Trump cohort on the right.
Separately, in the video below, a Houston resident recently admitted that she changed her feelings about President Trump after he visited the Hurricane Harvey disaster area and handed out supplies to victims who took shelter at NRG Stadium. “I had a different opinion of him, and now I think he’s a wonderful man,” the woman admitted.
These #Harvey evacuees say meeting @realDonaldTrump changed their opinion of him.
"I think he's a wonderful man!"https://t.co/FDOJhzNhAM pic.twitter.com/3K7r5Tauec
— Elex Michaelson (@abc7elex) September 3, 2017
Predictably and tediously, and even as the Trump administration spends billions on hurricane response and recovery, liberals are politically exploiting these storms to demand the president change his tune on climate change and reenter the Paris climate agreement. (Related: Read more about the excesses of far-left progressives at LiberalMob.com.)
Separately, earlier this week Natural News reported that Amazon was engaged in price gouging of Florida residents as the storm approached. Amazon has denied the allegations. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos also owns the Washington Post.
Sources include:
Tagged Under: Tags: conspiracy theories, Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Irma, Left-wing, man-made disasters, natural disasters, President Trump