Monday, August 22, 2016 by D. Samuelson
For your friends and family who have become technologically addicted to bowing and staring down into their cell phones, it’s past time for you to warn them to just look up. There is a global weather war of epidemic proportions that is devastating Earth’s biosphere and all life on Earth. We are all breathing in known and unknown particulates being spewed by military and some commercial jets. These are not the normal contrails of condensation that evaporate shortly after being ejected. Today, whereever you are located on the planet, you’ll see crisscross patterns with a big “X” in the sky. Do you see those thin, puffy exhaust fumes spreading like a banyan tree and creating a haze that blocks the sun’s rays? These are not normal cloud patterns. These are chemtrails. You, your children, your animals, the earth, bodies of water and all living creatures are affected. Italian husband and wife Antonio and Rosario Marciano put together an illuminating and intense documentary that is a must view. It’s entitled Chemtrails: The Secret War.
The Marcianos are not alone in spreading the message that the entire globe is being sprayed with toxic concoctions. Anonymous has also taken on the cause. They want to wake up the world, to pierce the conscience of humanity by sounding an alarm about the dangerous consequences of chemtrails to our biosphere and our bodies. As reported by TalkNetwork.com, Anonymous released a video featuring a rapid-fire report from the fearless activist Dane Wigington of GlobalEngineeringWatch.org. In this Anonymous Global Awakening Message for 2016, Wigington describes the inevitability of catastrophic results for life on earth — the potential for the end of life — if this activity doesn’t stop.
What are in these chemtrails? Global Research reports they contain “barium, nano aluminum-coated fiberglass [known as CHAFF], radioactive thorium, cadmium, chromium, nickel, desiccated blood, mold spores, yellow fungal mycotoxins, ethylene dibromide, and polymer fibers.” You read that list correctly. The use of air filters in your homes is more critical than ever, as well as the use of organic foods like chlorella which can assist with detoxification. It is these toxic chemicals and biological agents that, as Wigington explains in the Anonymous video, are creating holes in the protective ozone layer, disrupting the normal hydrological processes of rain, moving the patterns of upper atmospheric currents and creating conditions for more methane release. This means death in the oceans and the boreal forest and, if it’s not stopped, the earth will lose its ability to heal itself. Add to this list the enormous impact these toxic chemicals and biological agents have on human and animal life. What are the synergistic effects when we breath in heavy metals like aluminum and combine that with yellow fungal mycotoxins and desiccated blood? Global Skywatch.com has a long list of chemtrail-related maladies like fatigue, upper respiratory infections, increased heart rate, aneurysms, stroke and cancer. In the Anonymous video, Wigington mentions that today 1 in 3 persons die with — not of — Alzheimer’s.
The control of weather, and the use of weather as a weapon has been clearly described by Air Force publications. Our wondrous earth, just like our own bodies, is built with the complex, intuitive and marvelous ability to regenerate, heal and restore hydrological cycles, ocean currents, forests and fauna. But in order to do that, as with our own physical selves, the chemtrail toxins spewed into the upper atmosphere must stop. This is the Anonymous message. It is a most urgent transmission.
Tagged Under: Tags: Chemtrail destruction, Dane Wigington, Death to Planet Earth, Deceit, Environmental Catastrophe, Extinction Event, Species extinction