Thursday, July 28, 2016 by D. Samuelson
In today’s technological, transhuman terrain, mankind wants to control just about everything. Unsurprisingly, the weather is no exception — especially since you can make a lot of money. Water is a very hot property once it lands on the earth. Portions of this liquid gold have already been commoditized by mega-corporations, like Nestlé. As Global Research reports, the Chairman of Nestlé, Peter Brabeck-Letmathe believes that “access to water is not a public right,” it should be managed by a global corporate entity – and he’s just the guy to figure all that out.
Raindrops falling on our heads is a very big business, especially if a few droughts are scheduled in between. Chemtrails, besides spewing their toxins, have been accused of creating drought, and those plumes certainly muck up what once was a blue sky. What a boondoogle for chemical companies with waste material on their hands. Hey, it happened with fluoride, why not unload extra stashes of aluminum particulates, barium, cesium, et.al.? Chemtrails, however, are just one facet of geoengineering. Creating rainfall is another, and has a variety of applications, as reported by Natural News. In the Indian state of Maharshtra, as in California, many farmers are completely dependent on irrigation. Weather Modification, Inc., from Fargo, North Dakota secured a $4.5 million dollar contract to provide cloud seeding with sodium chloride flares for a 100 square mile area in Maharshtra. This same company has also has contracts in South America and the Middle East and hope to generate $40 million in cloud seeding operations in 2016.
Bloomberg.com reports that over 52 countries have jumped on the cloud seeding bandwagon. In the U.S., there are approximately 55 programs, including those in poor, beleaguered California as the five year drought continues to take its toll. AlterNet.org reported many residents were suspicious of these re-introduced cloud seeding programs. Qz.com reports that seeding operations in China have produced “55 billion tons of artificial rain per year,” making that nation the largest user of the cloud seeding technology.
For those who aspire to picture perfect weddings with a zero chance of rain, you can get one for $100,000 by contacting Oliver’s Travels. This luxury travel service employs pilots, meteorologists and a pinch of sodium iodide to whack a mole dark clouds on that special day. For a whole lot less, your children can make their own rain.
We are light years away from the Hopi Indians beseeching the heavens for rain. But they performed this dance as a service for the good of their people. And it didn’t cost one dime. The sound of their voices and the pounding rhythm of their footsteps seem to be light years more appropriate than paying billions of dollars to spew chemicals like ammonium perchlorate, aluminum powder, copper iodide, acetone and silver iodide to make rain. But when you control the rain, and the drought, there are billions to be made. And that seems to be today’s ticket.
Tagged Under: Tags: Controlling Weather, Geo-Engineering, Hopi Rain Dance, Rain Free Weddings, Rain Makers, seeding clouds, Water rights